Recently I received an e-mail from New Bingo Billy asking me to register on their site. I am not sure how they got my id but I decided to check the site out the nevertheless. I am very careful when it comes to parting my money with online companies. I have been bitten in the past while using gaming sites which is one of the reasons why I am really careful every time I join a new forum that requires me to impart with my credit card information. So when I received the e-mail, I decided to check if New Bingo Billy was a cash scam.
I went to their homepage and sure enough everything looked
good. There were lots of reviews displayed on the site from happy customers
which I completely ignore. I also saw a box with info on recent winners with
the highest margins of earnings which also I completely ignored. The first
thing that I tried to do was look for their contact information.
Sites that easy to get in touch with are generally more
customer friendly and tend to take their business seriously. The problem with
many casino and bingo sites usually is that they are located offshore. This makes
them more or less immune to criminal prosecution, fraud or other related cases.
Many of these companies are just a New Bingo Billy cash scam looking to earn
some quick money at the customer’s expense. When I look for new playing sites,
I generally tend to pick those that fall within the purview of the European
Gaming commission.
I also look for reviews from third party sites. This gives
me neutral reviews and when I checked on New Bingo Billy I was shocked to see
the number of scathing reviews it has received. Like all sites, they chose to
ignore negative comments and chose to display only positive information. But my
biggest issue with the site has been that of non-payment. I browsed through
more than 40 comments from users in different sites and the general consensus
seems to be that of being denied payment. Many users have been robbed of
thousands of dollars and I could see the customers were completely enraged by
the situation. Third party reviews can be helpful towards ascertaining if a
particular site is simply New Bingo Billy cash scam or not. So look for reviews
before joining.
Do not trust sites that make hefty promises. Have a list of
some of the most highly recommended sites of the internet and see how much they
offer in terms of jack pot money and bonus options. If the site you are
checking out is simply offering more than even the best in the business, you
can be assured that company is bogus. These sites will ensure that your winnings
will be credited to your online account, but when it comes to payment time-
they will put in measures to ensure that you can’t make a
withdrawal. Instead you will either give up in frustration after many failed
attempts or naturally reinvest the money back on the site to keep playing.
Either way, the money will be lost along with your deposit and all that will be
left is poor gaming experience which you would like to forget.
Follow these simple measures and you can easily avoid New
Bingo Billy cash scams that are only there to cheat customers and make a profit.
Mrs D.L, SD