With so much weight behind it, one would expect NewBingoBilly
to be huge in its niche. How huge? Huge enough to have reasonably high prizes
and jackpots, a lot of bingo rooms to choose from, good (and less-than-rare)
bonuses, a sizeable user base, and the like.
But while the site does seem to make an attempt at producing those
prerequisites, the results are anemic.
The truth is that one can’t call the site poor,
exactly. Its looks aren’t bad and stay
true to the style of the New Bingo Billy brand.
The games aren’t badly designed or handled either. There are prizes to be had, and there are
even hosts for the chatboxes to help users acclimate themselves more quickly.
The problem is that while these things aren’t bad, they’re
not great either. The owners of this website talk a big game, and as such, it’s
only natural to expect it to be regal.
But imperial NewBingoBilly isn’t. It’s an OK site, with some
good and regular features, but little to really set it apart from the competition
besides its name.
The look may be
authentically New Bingo Billy, but seen on a flat webpage instead of in the
dynamic halls of, say, Caesar’s Palace, it doesn’t have quite the same
pizzazz. The games look and feel good,
yes, but there are too few of them.
There’s an occasional big prize, but most of the “big winnings” rarely go over $50.
All in all, the site is good but just not good enough. Where NewBingoBilly fails is in a kind of
pleasant mediocrity that will see people enjoying it but also finding it all
too replaceable.