New Bingo Billy Complaints

Monday, 18 May 2015

New Bingo Billy Needs to Think More About UX

UX stands for User Experience, something the New Bingo Billy players may not be too familiar with.  When you visit a website associated with one of the big names in the betting business, you have high expectations for comfort and entertainment.  The NewBingoBilly website sadly falls short of those expectations.
There are a lot of issues crippling the site.  In fact, here are just a few of them:

  • 1       Sparseness of players

  • 2       Small prizes

  • 3       Lack of game rooms

  • 4       New games are rarely added

But these are all nothing next to its biggest deficiency, which is in user experience. 
When you’re a business site, you should consider this an integral measure of success in your site’s design.  This site doesn’t have much going for it there, unfortunately.  First of all, it’s hard to navigate.  It’s easy enough to get through registration and cover all the essentials, but digging deeper into the site and all it can offer takes a lot of clicking forward and back.

That can be seriously off-putting to many people
A lot of the things mentioned earlier tie into user experience issues.  Too few players means less excitement for each one, with lower pots.  Too few game rooms limits user choice, again impairing user experience.  The same for a failure to keep the offerings fresh and the players interested.  As a matter of fact, even the website’s design does little for the experience.  Walk into NewBingoBilly and you’re unimpressed immediately. In fact, it’s hard to call the New Bingo Billy homepage anything but unimpressive.

In the final analysis, a stark failure to consider UX properly is what damns this site.  New Bingo Billy requires drastic reworking if it’s to ever become hot gaming property.