My main issues with NewBingoBilly is that
of slow payment. They take forever to release player winnings and that too me
is big disappointment. To make things worse, the customer support agents in
their office are nothing but jerks. They are rude and condescending and treat
paying customers like dirt.
I have been using the site for three months
now and the NewBingoBilly slow pay is a constant issue with the company. It
wasn’t this bad at the beginning. When I won $900 in my first month, I got my
check at the right time and there were no delays. This really made me trust the
site and I felt it would be a good platform to play my favourite game. Over
time, this turned to a nightmare because I started experiencing delays due to NewBingoBilly
slow pay.
I had to call the customer support people 5 times over the course of
10 days to get an update on my payment status. At first, the agents were
sympathetic to my cause and promised to look into the issue. They said there
were some technical issues with the servers and that it would take a few days
to resolve the issue. I believed them and got my check 2 weeks late. But over
the last few days, the agents had become arrogant and were a little rude and I
did not like that. However the prospect of making money was something I could
not overlook.
So I decided to use the site for another
month and see if the NewBingoBilly slow pay still persists and it very much
did. This time it took them 3 months to clear my payment of $2000. I was fed up
with the customer service team as well. They would take my call and put me on
hold for hours. The level of service had now become abysmal and there was no
point in continuing to use the site. While I at least received my check, I know
for a fact that there are many players who have been waiting for their winnings
for over a year. NewBingoBilly slow pay or not, I have already had enough with
this site.